Free hotline:+86 400-0635-880

  • Machining difficulties and solutions for thin-walled bearing rings

    Thin-walled bearings have the advantages of light mass, compact structure, small moment of inertia, etc. They are widely used in industrial robots, aerospace vehicles, space satellites, medical and other industrial fields, and the market size is gradually increasing. But the thin wall bearing cross-sectional area is small, so that its radial wall thickness is very small, poor rigidity...

  • The importance of lubrication for thin-walled bearings

    Lubrication has an extremely important influence on the operation and life of thin-walled bearings. Grease is made from base oil, thickener and additives. The performance of different types and different grades of the same type of grease varies greatly and allows for different rotational limits...

  • Thin-walled four-point contact ball axes in industrial robots

    In recent years, with the development of manufacturing technology, there has been an increasing demand for various types of robots with modern manufacturing technology. Such as large construction machinery, automobiles, home appliances and other automated production lines, as well as to enhance the country's high-tech strategic position of deep-sea manned...

  • Technical analysis of thin-walled bearings in the production process

    Bearing if in a superior continuous rotation form will announce a low whining sound knocking scars will also occur noise, this noise will follow the thin wall bearing speed of the concave and divergent. If there is intermittent noise, it is transparent. If the announcement of sharp hiss, squeak and other unruly sound...

  • Classification of ball bearing fault diagnosis techniques

    Ball bearing fault diagnosis technology mainly has vibration diagnosis technology, iron spectrum diagnosis technology, temperature diagnosis technology, acoustic diagnosis technology, oil film resistance diagnosis technology and optical fiber monitoring diagnosis technology, etc., of which...

  • The effect of fatigue pitting on precision bearing troubleshooting

    Rolling body by the load, rolling body and the contact surface of the inner and outer ring will produce contact stress, inner and outer ring and rolling body in the work of relative rotational movement, so the contact stress will change, contact stress exceeds the specified value...

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Tianma Bearing 

Address:Tantao County Bearing Industrial Park, Hebei Province

Tel:+86 0635-2513333

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+86 400-0635-880


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